Special Tracks
Politics and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: PISTA 2024
Social and Organizational Informatics and Cybernetics: SOIC 2024
Interdisciplinary Research, Education, and Communication: IDREC 2024
Integrating Research, Education, and Problem Solving: IREPS 2024
Action Research and Action Learning: ARAL 2024
Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management: KGCM 2024
General Topics
Impact of Informatics and Cybernetics on Societies and Cultures
Socio-political regulations of Informatics and Cyber-Technologies
Information Society Technologies
Interdependencies between Society and Information and Communication Technologies
Social and Societal Roles of Information and communications Technologies
Globalization and Informatics/Cybernetics
Information Society Policy-Making
Ethics and Informatics/Cybernetics
e-Inclusion, Digital Inclusion or inclusive Information Society. Global e-Inclusion
e-Accessibility – Opening up the Information Society
eSkills. Computer-literacy
Education and Training Systems and Technologies (EISTA 2024)
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Industrial/Corporative Training
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Reinventing the Training Organization
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Education for Working Culture
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Synergy Between Education and Development
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Synergy Between Education and Industry/Business
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Educational and training e-consultations
Application of Education Technologies (EISTA 2024)
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Education of Science and Engineering
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Education of Informatics and Communication Technologies
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Corporative Training in Informatics and Cybernetics
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Information Science Education
Applications of Information and Communication Technologies in Education and Training (EISTA 2024)
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Multimedia-Based Instructional Design
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Distance Broadcast Training
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Application of Simulation in Training and Education
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Integrating E-Learning and Classroom Learning
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Online Teaching and Learning
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Internet-Based Learning Tools
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Internet-Based Adult Learning
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Microcomputers in Education
Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (EISTA 2024)
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Educational Research in Pre-College (K-12), Undergraduate and Graduate Levels
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Combining Research and Teaching in the Classroom
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Synergies between Research and Teaching
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Possible Synergic Relationships Among the Different Educational Levels
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Elevating Recognition & Reward for Education Research in STEM Disciplines
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Effective Use and Assessment of Technology as a Teaching Tool in Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Technology Education (STEM Education)
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Effectiveness of e-learning in STEM Education. E-libraries. Educational Computing
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Distance Education in STEM
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Innovative Curriculum and Teaching Techniques
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Overcoming Institutional and Disciplinary Barriers in Developing Cross Disciplinary Classes, Team Taught Classes or Capstone Design Classes
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Special Challenges in STEM Education
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Strategies for Assessing Student Learning; Strategies for Assessing Teaching, Peer Reviews, Peer Observation, Effective Methodologies and/or Instruments
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Interdisciplinary Education
Educational Research, Theories, Practice and Methodologies (EISTA 2024)
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Adult Literacy and Adult Education
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Brain, Neurosciences, and Education
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Applications of Chaos and Complexity Theories in Education
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Classroom Assessment, Management, and Observation
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Cognitive, Social, and Motivational Processes in Education
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Constructivist Theory, Research and Practice
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Educational Constructivist Theories
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Counseling and Human Development
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Cultural-Historical Research
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Curriculum Design and Evaluation
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Early Education and Child Development
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Ecological and Environmental Education
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Education and Student Development
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Educational Policy and Politics
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Faculty Teaching, Evaluation and Development
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Moral Development and Education
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Multicultural Contexts of Education
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Philosophical Studies in Education
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School Evaluation and Program Development
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Educational Measurement, Psychometrics, and Assessment
Informatics and Society. (PISTA 2024)
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Social Informatics. Cyber-Civics.
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Global E-Quality. E-Development.
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Internet and Society. What is New about the "New Media".
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Societal and Political Impact of Mobile Communications.
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Politics and the Internet. Politics in Mediatized Cultures.
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Computer Mediated Communications. Political Communication and Public Spheres.
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Informatics for Education. Computer Mediated Education. The e-literate Society.
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Networking Schools, Universities and Communities.
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Citizenship in the Information Society. Citizenship, New Media and Political Action.
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Communicating Culture. Culture Shifts and the Transformation of Politics.
Informatics, Voting and Political Parties. (PISTA 2024)
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Informatics and Political Campaigns.
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Online Campaigning. On-line Polling. Political Advertising.
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Leaders, Elections and Parties and New Media. Informational Power.
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e-democracy and e-participation. Democracy and New Media.
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The Effects of Mobile Communication on Public Participation and Political Mobilization.
Informatics and Government. (PISTA 2024)
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Electronic Government. Web-Enabled Government. Local e-government.
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e-administration. e-public Services. Web Self-Service in The Public Sector.
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e-Gov Information Assurance.
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Process Models and Software for e-democracy.e-communities.
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Software for Dialogue and Argumentation.
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Intergovernmental Informatics.
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Citizens and Governance in an Open Knowledge-Based Society.
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Telematics for Development. Telematics as Agent of Social Change.
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Open Source for National and Local e-government Programs.
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Citizens and Public Administration in the Information Age.
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Political Forces shaping Innovations and Diffusion of Information and Communication Technologies. Information Politics. Politics. The Politics of Information Management
Ethical and Legal Issues related to Informatics. (PISTA 2024)
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Ethical, Legal and Societal Challenges of Cyberspace.
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Legal Knowledge and Information Systems.
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Cyber-Ethics. Ethical Issues in Computing and Informatics.
Relations between Society/Organizations and Informatics. (SOIC 2024)
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Information Society. Knowledge Societies.
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Social Informatics and Social Information Systems.
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Social Impact of Computing and Communication Technology.
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Social Engineering in the Information Age.
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Education for the Information/Knowledge Society.
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Global Information Infrastructure.
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National and International Initiatives on the Information Society.
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National Strategies for the Information and Communication Technologies.
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Review and Appraisal of ICT Impact.
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Public Policies in Free and Open Source Software.
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Free and Open Source Software Role in Developing Countries.
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Collective Decision Support Systems. Cyber-Democracies.
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Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC).
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Organizational Informatics.
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Telecommunications Policy.
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Information Economics Policy.
Relations between Society/Organizations and Cybernetics/Cyber-Technologies. (SOIC 2024)
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Cyber-Sociology. Social Scientific Study of Cyberspace.
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Internet Research and Online Research Methodologies.
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The Digital Divide. Digital Third Worlds.
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Organizational Cybernetics.
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Online and Virtual Communities.
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Internet and Political Involvement.
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Communicative Praxis in the Age of Globalization.
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Internet as a Tool for Collective Action.
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E-Politics. Cyber-Power. Online Activism.
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Public and Private Security in the Internet.